DNS Configuration on CentOS Client Machine

DNS Server Configuration on CentOS 7 Client Machine/Red HAT 7 Client Machine

Client Configuration:

Edit the nameservers and domain name in resolv.conf file by use of vi editor. The file available in /etc directory that is mention below.
vi /etc/resolv.conf
The lines edit in resolv.conf file is mention below.

domain pakistan.local

dns server configuration on centos 7 client machine

We have deploy a DNS Server therefore no need to edit host names in hosts file. To check the hosts file in Linux client machine type below command.

cat /etc/hosts

dns server configuration on centos 7 client machine

To check the IP configuration settings in Linux client machine type the below command. you can edit the file as per your requirement.

cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33

dns server configuration on centos 7 client machine

To Check the nameserver resolution in Linux client machine install bind-utils package tool to run nslookup command.

Install bind-utils package tool run the below command.

yum install bind-utils

Bind-utils package tool is installing.

dns server configuration on centos 7 client machine

Use nslookup command for nameserver resolution. The command is mention below.

nslookup ldap-dns.pakistan.local
nslookup linux2.pakistan.local

dns server configuration on centos 7 client machine

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