How to Join RHEL 8 to Windows Active Directory Domain Service

How to Join Redhat 7/Redhat 8/Redhat 9/CentOS 7/CentOS 8 to Windows Active Directory Domain Service

Authenticate a Linux operating system with centralize domain controller means Window Server base active directory domain services, it is a best practice to manage operating system administrative and operation task. With this centralized authentication no need to create user on Linux operating system, for any kind of administrative task user will add on file “sudoers”, they will perform administrative or operation base task as per the authorizations to execute all commands or execute specific commands. In this scenario authenticate means user id and its password centrally manage by active directory domain service that can be on windows server 2012 R2/2016/2019/2022, and authorization means provides a rights that user will execute all commands or specific commands with sudo rights. Port for ldap communication is use 389/tcp for security (LDAPS) port 636/tcp is use and for DNS port is use 53/udp.

To authenticate the Linux machine (Redhat 7/Redhat 8/ Redhat 9/CentOS 7/CentOS 8) with active directory domain services some packages are require that are list below.

realmd: In Linux realmd is use for authentication and domain membership with the use of sssd, realmd is a Linux system service.
oddjob: oddjob is a Linux service that is system wide message bus is also known as D-Bus system bus. This daemon is use as a helper process for authorization and provide support of application that require privileged operation to perform.
oddjob-mkhomedir: This daemon in Linux is a oddjob helper that is use to create the home directories of user.
sssd: sssd stands for System Security Service Daemon, this daemon in Linux is use to access the remote directories and authentication mechanism. In System Security Service Daemon (sssd) file both ldap and ldaps (Certificate based) configuration are perform.
adcli: In Linux, adcli is a daemon that is use to join a Linux machine with active directory domain.
krb5-workstation:  This is a Kerberos package for workstation (Linux machine). The krb5-workstation contains the basic Kerberos programs (kinit, klist,kpasswd, kdestroy), for Kerberos base authentication in a domain environment of windows active directory the package “krb5-workstation” must require.
samba-common-tools: The package “samba-common-tools” is use to allow client machine to communication over SMB/CIFS protocol in domain base environment.
sssd-tools: The sssd-tools package is use with the System Security Service Daemon (sssd).

To install the packages for authenticate Redhat 7/Redhat 8/Redhat 9/CentOS 7/CentOS 8 with Lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP) means Active Directory Domain Services of Windows Server, type the below mention command.

yum install realmd oddjob oddjob-mkhomedir sssd adcli krb5-workstation samba-common-tools sssd-tools -y
how to join rhel 8 from adds

The packages has been successfully installed on Redhat 7/Redhat 8/Redhat 9/CentOS 7/CentOS 8, as shown in below mention image. The all packages are available on their respective repository means CentOS platform automatically connect their repository through internet and for RedHat enterprise Linux (RHEL) you need to first create a local repository server through redhat subscription.

how to join rhel 7 from adds

For IP (Internet Protocol) and DNS (Domain Name Server) configuration on Redhat 7/Redhat 8/Redhat 9/CentOS 7/CentOS 8, type the below mention command. By use of this command you can also set the hostname of the machine but you can also set the hostname by use of command "hostname set-hostname abc", here "abc" is the hostname.


how to join rhel 9 from adds

Select “Edit a connection” on Network Manager Text User Interface (TUI) then press enter. Here you can also set a hostname through Graphical User Interface (GUI) and through Activate a connection you can activate or deactivate the network interface, here we have only single interface therefore do not deactivate it otherwise you will not able access Linux machine through network by use of putty software means you cannot access the Linux machine by use of ssh (secure shell) on port 22.

how to authenticate rhel 9 from adds

Select Ethernet interface "ens192" then press “tab” to “Edit” the network interface configuration. Here you can also add multiple network interface, but first you need to add the network interface with the virtual machine or physical machine.  

how to authenticate rhel 8 from adds

Provide IP (Internet Protocol) address with subnet address and gateway, also provide a name server address and domain name as per the environment shown in below image. Here you can also disable IPv6 address if you no need to require it, we have configure ipv6 address in ignore mode.

how to authenticate rhel 7 from adds

Select “OK” to save the IP (Internet Protocol) address, name server address and domain name configurations as shown in the below image. In image you can see that automatically connect option should be select otherwise Ethernet interface connectivity will not work. 

how to authenticate linux machine from adds

After “quit” from the Network Manager Text User Interface (TUI), for restart and check the status of network service type the below mention commands. This command is use for Redhat Enterprise Linux 8 (RHEL) and Redhat Enterprise Linux 9 (RHEL).

systemctl restart NetworkManager.service
systemctl status NetworkManager.service

On Redhat Enterprise Linux 7 (RHEL) for restart and check the status of network service type the below mention commands.

systemctl restart network
systemctl status network

To verify the name server and Domain Name entry available on file “resolv.conf”, type the below mention command to view only the configuration that have set above by use of the command "nmtui".

cat /etc/resolv.conf

how to authenticate rhel 8 from windows active directory domain service

Configure the SElinux in disable or permissive mode, use editor vi to modify file “/etc/selinux/config”.  It is a best practice to configure SElinux in permissive mode rather than disable because in permissive mode SELinux create warning, you can say it a logs that update you about a security issues due to this you can debug and troubleshoot the issues. 

vi /etc/selinux/config

how to authenticate rhel 7 from windows active directory domain service

Finally join the Linux base operating system “Redhat 7/Redhat 8/Redhat 9/CentOS 7/CentOS 8” with Active Directory Domain Services (ADDS), type the below mention command. The command "realm" is use to authenticate a Linux machine in domain environment. 

realm join -U username -v FQDN
realm join -U administrator -v ws2012r2.pakistan.local1
how to authenticate rhel 9 from windows active directory domain service

The Linux base operating system “Redhat 7/Redhat 8/Redhat 9/CentOS 7/CentOS 8” has been successfully authenticate with Active Directory Domain Services (ADDS), In this environment domain name “pakistan.local1”.

how to authenticate linux machine from windows active directory domain service

To give domain user “administrator” complete administrative rights means root level privileged modify file “/etc/sudoers”, type the below mention command.


Add below mention line at the end of file to give domain user "administrator" complete administrative rights to execute all the commands with sudo. 

administrator ALL=( ALL)               ALL

how to join rhel 8 from windows active directory domain service

Login with domain user “administrator” on Linux machine “Redhat 7/Redhat 8/Redhat 9/CentOS 7/CentOS 8” to verify that domain user is authenticate in a domain environment. 

how to join rhel 8 to adds

In the above image you can see that domain user "administrator" is login by use of fully qualified domain name, if you want that domain user login with name only modify file “sssd.conf”.

vi /etc/sssd/sssd.conf

how to join rhel 7 to adds


Use_fully_qualified_names = False

how to join rhel 7 to adds

After modify file “/etc/sssd/sssd.conf” must restart sssd service. To restart and check the status of sssd service type the below mention commands.

sudo systemctl restart sssd
sudo systemctl status sssd

how to authenticate rhel 9 to adds

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