Installation and Configuration of VNC Server on Oracle Linux 6.5

Installation and Configuration of VNC Server on Oracle Linux 6.5/Red Hat/CentOS

VNC stands for Virtual Network Computing, It is use for remote desktop session. VNC use remote frame buffer protocol.

To take remote session of Oracle Linux 6.5 graphically by use of VNC remote desktop tool you need to install VNC server on Oracle Linux 6.5 and install VNC viewer on personal computer.

Download the VNC Server rpm package from official website of Oracle. The VNC Server rpm package is highlight in below image.

how install and configure vnc server on oracle linux 6

Create a directory "software" by use of mkdir command and use ls command to check the directory "software" is create or not.

mkdir software

configure vnc server on oracle linux

Copy the VNC Server package to the directory "Software" by use of WinSCP software.

how install and configure vnc server on oracle linux 6

To install the VNC Server on Oracle Linux 6.5 type the below command.

rpm –ivh vnc-server-4.1.2-14.el5_6.6.x86_64.rpm –force
how install and configure vnc server on oracle linux 6

After install the VNC Server, Configure the VNC Server file "vncservers" that available in directory "/etc/sysconfig/vncservers" by use of vi editor.

vi /etc/sysconfig/vncservers
how install and configure vnc server on oracle linux 6

Edit the below lines in file "vncservers" to allow user root and user1 to take remote session by use of VNC viewer.

VNCSERVERS="1:root 2:user1"
VNCSERVERARGS[3]="-geometry 1280x1024"

how install and configure vnc server on oracle linux

Set the Virtual Network Computing "VNC" password of both users root and user1 by use of below command.

su - user1
how install and configure vnc server on oracle linux

To permanently enable and start the vnc server type the below command.

chkconfig vncserver on
service vncserver start

how install and configure vnc server on oracle linux

Edit the file "xstartup" that available in directory "/root/.vnc/xstartup" by use of vi editor for user root.

vi /root/.vnc/xstartup
how install and configure vnc server on oracle linux

Uncomment the below red lines.

exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
how install and configure vnc server on red hat

Edit the file "xstartup" that available in directory "/home/user1/.vnc/xstartup" by use of vi editor for user oracle.

vi /home/user1/.vnc/xstartup
configure vnc server on red hat

Uncomment the below red lines.

exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
how install and configure vnc server on red hat

After configure the VNC server settings for both users root and oracle restart the VNC service by type below command.

service vncserver restart
install and configure vnc server on red hat

Disable the firewall and SELinux.

To Disable the Firewall go to System "tab" then click on Administration then click firewall.
install and configure vnc server on red hat
To disable the firewall click on Disable then click Apply.
install and configure vnc server on centos
To Disable the SELinux, edit the config file of SELinux that available in directory "/etc/selinux/config" by use of vi editor.

vi /etc/selinux/config
install and configure vnc server on centos

Set SELINUX=disabled

configure vnc server on centos

To take remote session by use of VNC viewer from personal computer, open VNC viewer type servername:user id. In this scenario root user id is 01.

install and configure vnc server on centos

Enter the VNC password of user "root".

install and configure vnc server on centos

This is VNC viewer remote session of user "root".

install and configure vnc server on linux

To take VNC remote session from user "user1", use user id 02.

install and configure vnc server on linux

 This is VNC viewer remote session of user "user1".

configure vnc server on linux

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